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Digital Document Discourse Environment


Knowledge Media Institute   Open University UK

L3D, University of Colorado at boulder

What is D3E?

D3E is a tool for document-centric discussion. The document could be anything, from a research paper, to a policy proposal, to a multimedia student assignment. D3E makes it easy to transform an HTML file into an interactive document, tightly integrated with topic-specific or section-specific discussion threads. Check the overview for a description of the different components available.

Why have we developed it?

D3E started as an action research project into the social and technical design of scholarly communication technologies (see our papers for details). D3E is, however, a generic web publishing tool that has proven to have wider scope.

How can I get it?

D3E builds 100% on Open Source technologies, and is distributed as such: download client/server applications and code, and join the user/developer community!

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Tools...  D3E ToolkitD3E-Phorum discussion systemD3E-HyperNews discussion systemUbiquitous D3ED3E Download Page