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D3E Example Applications

Scholarly Publishing and Peer Review

JIME: Journal of Interactive Media in Education has been acclaimed for its innovation in the emerging world of scholarly e-journals.

An action research project into 'native internet' approaches to scholarly discourse.

A special issue of the International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, published by Academic Press, was co-published using D3E.

The absence of much discussion is typical of eJournals which (in contrast to JIME) do not make discussion an integral part of their review process. The IJHCS special issue used conventional peer review, and simply made the final papers available for comment.

Educational Multimedia

The Rich-ODL Project demonstrates how interactive simulations embedded in a document can be used to stimulate student discussion.

Distributed, Participatory Software Design

The University Center for Atmospheric Research develops support tools for US universities. The Unidata MetApps discussion area uses D3E to allow designers to circulate specifications for future versions, for reaction from end users.

Policy Formulation

The Dearing Report Discussion Site
Supported national discussion about recommendations to the UK Government made in the Dearing Report, produced by the National Committee of Inquiry into Higher Education.

Organizational Knowledge Management

Within any large organisation, the need to discuss documents is ubiquitous (D3E is used within the Open University to disseminate discussion documents).

The ENRICH Project has used CEDAR, a descendant of D3E, in BAe Systems, Siemens, and several other companies to support organisational communication and learning.

The Clockwork Project is using it in its work to support the sharing and management of simulation knowledge between companies.

Asynchronous Professional Conferences

The learning.org conference.

This was a forum for senior management staff with particular responsibility for the strategic direction of IT in teaching and learning within their university. It was a multi-site, three-stage event, using webcasts and D3E-generated discussion areas to optimise its value to participants.

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