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D3E Design Team

Conceived by...

Tamara Sumner
Concept and Design
Center for Lifelong Learning & Design, University of Colorado, Boulder, USA
Email: sumner@colorado.edu

Simon Buckingham Shum
Concept and Design
Knowledge Media Institute, Open University, UK
Email: sbs@acm.org

Turned into real code by...

Gary Li
D3E-Phorum discussion system
Knowledge Media Institute, Open University, UK
Email: G.Li@open.ac.uk

Malcolm Story
Publisher's Toolkit
Open University Academic Computing Service, UK
Email: M.W.Story@open.ac.uk

Mike Wright
D3E-HyperNews, D3E Publisher's Toolkit, ROADS for JIME Search
DLESE Program Center, Boulder, Colorado, USA
Email: mwright@ucar.edu

John Weatherley
D3E Publisher's Toolkit
DLESE Program Center, Boulder, Colorado, USA
Email: jweather@ucar.edu

Made beautiful by...

Harriet Ansell
Graphic Design
Knowledge Media Institute, Open University, UK
Email: S.Buckingham.Shum@open.ac.uk

Jon Linney
Graphic Design
Knowledge Media Institute, Open University, UK
Email: J.Linney@open.ac.uk

With acknowledgements to quality open source software...


D3E-HyperNews is a tailored version of NCSA's HyperNews
by Daniel LaLiberte.
D3E-Phorum is a tailored version of Phorum

About...  D3E Home PageD3E OverviewD3E ExamplesD3E ScreenshotsD3E PublicationsD3E Design TeamCollaborate with the D3E Project
Tools...  D3E ToolkitD3E-Phorum discussion systemD3E-HyperNews discussion systemUbiquitous D3ED3E Download Page